Sunday, September 24, 2006

Heads of State make waves at Nello

Here's a quirky news story that started out quietly here at Nello last Sunday night, but ended up getting international legs. During U.N week, several heads of state (and their requisite delegations) wound up dining at Nello, as is their custom. Page Six, as is their custom, reported on where the visiting politicos wined and dined, including Nello. The Sept. 20 edition of our beloved right-leaning tab wryly noted that "left-leaning" Argentine President Nestor Kirchner had splurged on a late dinner here at the restaurant. The next day, Argentina's newspaper of record, La Nacion, picked up the Page Six scoop and called out their populist president's refined tastes. Whatever the political ramifications of Kirchner's late night meal, we can assure all interested Gauchos that Kirchner and his stylish wife Cristina were perfect guests, chatting amiably with our staff and fellow diners.

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